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                   Clare Cooper and Helen MacAlister offer their warmest thanks to Lindsay Blair
                   for her penetrating introduction to the work in this exhibition.

                   From Helen MacAlister, especial thanks to Clare Cooper and Art First for continued
                   involvement and support, and to John McKenzie for the photography.

                   Due credit and thanks also to:

                   Richard Allen           Douglas Dunn           Fintan O’Toole

                   Neal Ascherson          Jackie Kemp            John Purser

                   John Barker             George Kerevan         Alan Riach

                   Richard Barlow          Colin Kidd             Mike Small

                   Anthony Barnett         Murdo Macdonald        Carolee Thea

                   Derek Bateman           Ian Peter MacDonald    Andrew Tickell

                   Sean Bell               Peter Mackay           Roderick Watson

                   Craig Beveridge         Duncan Macmillan       Christopher Whyte

                   Michael Billig          Iain Macwhirter        Clara Young

                   Kevin Birmingham        Allan Massie           Scottish Poetry Library

                   Alan Bissett            Jamie Maxwell          Poets House, New York

                   Lindsay & Donald Blair   Derrick McClure       Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
                   Jenni Calder            Liam McIlvanney        British Geological Survey
                   Robert Crawford         John McKenzie          Historic Environment Scotland
                   Charles Esche           Tam McTurk             Edinburgh Central Library
                   Peter Geoghegan         Tom Nairn              National Library of Scotland
                   Tom Devine              Paul O’Neill

                   Published in connection with the exhibition Helen MacAlister, The Glamour of Backwardness
                   Art First, London, 8th September–18th October 2022

                   The Forge, 15 St Mary’s Walk, London se11 4ua
                   +44 7711 945 098  |  |  |  @artfirstlondon

                   Editor: Clare Cooper
                   isbn  978-1-399-7394001-0-1
                   Published by Clare Cooper/Art First, London • Catalogue © 2022 Clare Cooper/Art First
                   Essay © Dr Lindsay Blair • Photography © John McKenzie

                   All rights reserved • No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
                   or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
                   or otherwise imitated without the prior written permission of Clare Cooper/Art First
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