Page 109 - Art First: Simon Morley: Lost Horizon
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Private Views, London Print Studio, Herbert Read Gallery, KIAD, Canterbury
                      Showhouse, PM Gallery and House, London
                      East Wing No. 5, Courtauld Institute, London
               2001   Artmart, 291 Gallery, London
                      EAST International, Norwich (selected by Mary Kelly and Peter Wollen)
                      Wax, auction in aid of Cancer Research
                      Closer Still, Southern Arts touring show
                      Sway, ArtSway, Winchester School of Art
               2000   9,8m/s2, Zero Arte Contemporanea, Piacenza, Italy
                      Art Futures, Contemporary Art Society, Barbican, London
                      Occupation Studios Fund Raiser, Platform Gallery, London
                      e Wreck of Hope, e Nunnery Gallery, London, (artist/co- curator)
                      Chora, Abbot Hall, Kendal; South Hill Park, Bracknell; Hotbath Gallery, Bath
               1999   Chora, 30 Underwood Street Gallery, London (artist/co- curator)
                      Six Young British Artists, Gallerie Axel ieme, Darmstadt, Germany
                      e Discerning Eye (invited by Charlotte Mullins), Mall Gallery, London
                      Hub (curated by Above/Below), Bishopsgate, London
                      Ninenineninetynine, Anthony Wilkinson Gallery, London
                      Wunderkammer, 13 Laburnum Lodge, London
                      Aer Jackson Pollock, Sali Gia Gallery, London (artist/curator)
                      Networking, P- House, Tokyo, Japan
               1998   A State of Affairs, Arthur R. Rose, London
                      Cluster Bomb, Morrison- Judd Gallery, London
                      e Bible of Networking, Sali Gia Gallery, London
                      Souvenirs (curated by Above/Below), Museum Street, London
                      Absolut Secret, Royal College of Art, London
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