Simon Lewty
11-28 May 2004
DKNY Projects, Unit #816, 8th Floor, 526 West 26th Street,
New York 10001, NY
t 212 255 3094
Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 6pm

Who speaks these lines, who writes them, who makes them visible?
And to what present, past or future do they belong?
To these questions, posed by Paul Hills in his catalogue essay for Lewty's exhibition in 2000, we may well ask the same question. Hovering over blocks of beautiful cursive script are drawings and markings, some of them 'found', others from the artist's own notebooks. In recent works like Voice he has combined photocopies with his own poetic, hand-written texts. To do this seemed to appropriate the images a stage further, enabling them to share a different context, amid the deposits of another mental energy.
Lewty's work is represented in museums and collections throughout Britain, including Victoria & Albert Museum, The British Museum, the Arts Council of Great Britain, and key museums outside London. In the USA he is well represented in the Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry, Miami Beach.
