Page 42 - Art First: Helen MacAlister: The Glamour of Backwardness
P. 42

AF HM catalogue 2023 PRINT.qxp_Layout 1  15/06/2023  17:37  Page 40

               bon-accord–amity, agreement; the city of Aberdeen; that city’s motto

               ‘The northeast has been described as ‘the cold shoulder’ of Britain.’ 1

               ‘One  of  their  number, Maighread Ni Lachainn (c.1660–1751) in Mull,  was  said  to ‘see’  her poetry
               running  along  the  tops  of  the  wall inside  the  house (the  allusion is probably  to castles  or chiefs’
               houses). The  explanation  may be  that carvings  or  wall-hangings  depicting  scenes  of  warfare  and
               hunting helped to stimulate her imagination.’ 2

               Thus an, ‘imaginative identification.’ 3

               1   The Ballad and the Folk –David Buchan, p13
               2  Scottish Life & Society–Oral Literature & performance culture, vol 10, p.89
                    [John MacInnes–Gaelic panegyric verse]
               3  Robert Crawford

               Gorse (illustrated opposite)
               Scots  has “a consonant  system in  which  high-energy consonants– plosives  and  fricatives,
               of the voiced and voiceless varieties–appear in abundance, both singly and in clusters.” 1

               Gorse : has pods which open explosively.

               1   Gaelic and Scots in Harmony: edited by Derick Thomson– (Douglas Young and Sorley MacLean

                 –J. Derrick McClure)  p137

              “In his long poem The Muir, Garioch clambers about the peaks of speculation, reflecting on the nature
               of perception and the metaphysics of atomic theory. Like MacDiarmid, he relies here on the spark

               struck when Scots, with its tough precision about things touched and seen, bangs against the abstract.” 1

               Scots : sap rises and splits rock (saxifrage).

               1   7 poets – neal ascherson p27 (on robert garioch)
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