Page 43 - Art First: Helen MacAlister: The Glamour of Backwardness
P. 43

AF HM catalogue 2023 PRINT.qxp_Layout 1  15/06/2023  17:37  Page 41

               Burr–a fir cone

               Gaelic bidhearg – red, unctuous, as fir or pine.
               Scots  barken  –  to clot,  to  harden  on  the  surface,  as  some viscous &  semi-liquid  mixtures
               do on exposure to the air. The word is derived from the bark or outward covering of trees.

               Gorse pod
               Gorse pods open explosively.

               ‘The poem  opens  abruptly,  as  extempore prayers  frequently  do,  with  a conclusive  statement;
               ‘Because there is no refuge . . . –as if it had been preceded by vehement but silent spiritual wrestlings.’ 1

               1    Dùthchas Nan Gàidheal: Selected Essays of John MacInnes, p387
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